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The Moon


The Full Moons

     There are 12 - 13 Full Moons yearly, or one every 28 days. Many cultures have given names to the full moons, and different full moon names can be found among the Celtic, Old English, Native American and many other cultures. These names were based on the seasonal conditions and the activities of the people in a given area.  The full moon name was used to identify the entire month during which it occurred. The names below are some of the most common, and each one tells us a lot about what life was like for the people during that time period.


Wolf or Storm Moon

  • Animals: Blue Jay, Coyote Fox, and Pheasant.

  • Colors: Black, Blue-Violet, and Brilliant White.

  • Deities: Ch’ang-O, Freya, Inanna, Sarsvati, and Sinn.

  • Flowers: Crocus and Snowdrop.

  • Herbs: Cones, Holy, Marjoram, Nuts, and Thistle.

  • Nature Spirits: Brownies and Gnomes.

  • Scents: Mimosa and Musk.

  • Stones: Chrysoprase, Garnet, Jet, and Onyx.

  • Trees: Birch


     In January, the stormy weather earned this moon its name. Snow covered the earth and the howling of wolves could be heard echoing through the cold winter air. The month of January is a good time for beginnings and conceiving. Work spells for protection and reversing magic. Your energy levels are low during this month, and much is going on below the surface. It is a good time to work on personal problems that involve no one else. Some tribes called this the Snow Moon, but that name was more commonly used for the February moon.


Snow or Ice Moon

  • Animals: Chickadee, Eagle, Otter and Unicorn.

  • Colors: Light Blue and Violet.

  • Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid, Demeter, Diana, Juno, Kuan Yin, and Persephone.

  • Flowers: Heliotrope and Wisteria.

  • Herbs: Balm of Gilead, Hyssop, Myrrh, Sage, and Spikenard.

  • Nature Spirits: House Faeries

  • Scents: Mimosa and Musk.

  • Stones: Amethyst, Jasper, and Rock Crystal.

  • Trees: Cedar, Laurel, and Rowan.


     The month of February is a time for spiritual purification and initiation. Take time to cleanse and purify yourself, your home, sacred space, and property. Work spells for growth, healing, and self-love. Accept responsibility for past mistakes, forgive and make future plans. This moon its most common called the Snow moon, but the tribes that used this name for the January moon called this moon the Hunger Moon as the food supply was often low this time of year.


Worm, Crow, or Seed Moon

  • Animals: Boar, Cougar, Hedgehog, Sea Crow, and Sea Eagle.

  • Colors: Pale Green and Red-Violet.

  • Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Black Isis, Cybele, Hecate, Lu, Minerva, and The Morrigan.

  • Flowers: Daffodil, Jonquil, and Violet.

  • Herbs: Broom, High John Root, Irish Moss, Wood Betony, and Yellow Dock.

  • Nature Spirits: Mer-people (Air & Water beings connected to Spring Rain & Storms).

  • Scents: Apple Blossom and Honeysuckle.

  • Stones: Aquamarine and Bloodstone.

  • Trees: Alder and Dogwood.


     The Full Moon in March is a time of exploration, growth, and prosperity. Work magic for prosperity, luck, and freedom from bad habits and/or oppression. March is also a time of balance between the Light and Dark, spells and meditations that work to break illusions so that you may see and accept the truth in your life are appropriate. As the earth starts to warm the earthworm casts appear, inviting the return of the robins. Some tribes called this Moon the Full Crow Moon, because the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter.  It was also known as the Seed Moon as it was now time for sowing.


Hare or Pink Moon

  • Animals: Bear, Hawk, Magpie, and Wolf.

  • Colors: Crimson, Gold, and Red.

  • Deities: Anahita, Bastet, Ceres, Hathor, Ishtar, Kali, and Venus.

  • Flowers: Daisy and Sweet Pea.

  • Herbs: Basil, Chives, Dragons Blood, Geranium, and Thistle.

  • Nature Spirits: Plant Faeries

  • Scents: Bay, Bergamot, Patchouli, and Pine.

  • Stones: Garnet, Ruby, and Sardonyx.

  • Trees: Pine, Bay, and Hazel.


     The Full Moon in April is a time of creating, producing, and restoring balance. Work magic for change, self-confidence, and self-reliance. Spells and meditations that work to control temper and selfishness are appropriate. The Hare was a sacred animal associated in Roman legends with springtime and fertility.  In other areas, this moon was known as the Pink Moon, named after the flowers, that began to appear, including the widespread grass pink or wild ground phlox. Other variations indicate more signs of full spring, such as Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, and Fish Moon.


Flower, Milk, or Dyad Moon

  • Animals: Cat, Dove, Leopard, Lynx, Swallow, and Swan.​

  • Colors: Brown, Green, and Pink.

  • Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bastet, Diana, The Horned God, Maia, Pan, and Venus.

  • Flowers: Foxglove, Lily of the Valley, and Rose.

  • Herbs: Dittany of Crete, Elder, Mint, Mugwort, Rose, Thyme, and Yarrow.

  • Nature Spirits: Elves and Faeries.

  • Scents: Rose and Sandalwood.

  • Stones: Amber, Carnelian, Emerald, and Malachite.

  • Trees: Broom and Hawthorn.


     The Full Moon in May is a time of full energy for creation and propagation with power flowing from the Greenwood Gods and trees.  It is a time when intuition and contact with Faeries and spirits is strong. Work magic to strengthen your connection to spirit helpers and protectors. Flowers come into full bloom and corn is ready to plant. Also called the Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon. Some call it the Dyad moon, (the Latin word for a pair) refers to the twin stars of the constellation of Castor and Pollux. 


Mead or Strawberry Moon

  • Animals: Butterfly, Frog, Monkey, Peacock, Toad, and Wren.​

  • Colors: Golden-Green and Orange.

  • Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishta, Isis, and Neith.

  • Flowers: Lavender, Orchid, and Yarrow.

  • Herbs: Dog Grass, Meadowsweet, Mosses, Parsley, Skullcap, Tansy, and Vervain.

  • Nature Spirits: Sylphs and Zephyrs.

  • Scents: Lavender and Lily of the Valley.

  • Stones: Agate, Alexandrite, Fluorite, and Topaz.

  • Trees: Oak


     The Full Moon in June is a time of full but restful energy that may be used for protection, prevention and strengthening. Meditations and divinations involving decision making and taking responsibility for what is happening in the present are appropriate. It is a time of Light when the Earth tides are turning. Work magic to strengthen your positive traits and to discover personal inconsistencies. During late June and most of July the meadows, or meads, were mowed for hay. Also called The Strawberry Moon, as Strawberry picking season reaches its peak during this time. This is one of the few names that was universal to all Algonquin tribes.


Wort, Hay, or Buck Moon

  • Animals: Crab, Dolphin, Ibis, Starling, Swallow, Turtle, and Whale.​

  • Colors: Blue-Gray and Silver.

  • Deities: Athene, Cerridwen, Hel, Holda, Juno, Khepera, Nephthys, and Venu.

  • Flowers: Jasmine, Lotus, and Water Lily.

  • Herbs: Agrimony, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, and Lemon Balm.

  • Nature Spirits: Faeries of Harvested Crops and Hobgoblins.

  • Scents: Frankincense and Orris.

  • Stones: Moonstone, Pearl, and White Agate.

  • Trees: Acacia, Ash, and Oak.


     The Full Moon in July is a time of relaxed energy; it is also a time to prepare spiritually and physically for the coming autumn. It is a time to bask in your success. Dream-work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones, are appropriate for this Full Moon. When the sun was in Leo, the worts (from the Anglo-Saxon wyrt plant) were gathered to be dried and stored. Some tribes also called it the Hay Moon Perhaps most commonly known as the Buck Moon, because deer start growing velvety hair-covered antlers in July.


Sturgeon or Barley Moon

  • Animals: Crane, Dragon, Eagle, Falcon, Lion, Phoenix, and Sphinx.​

  • Colors: Gold and Yellow.

  • Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Nemesis, and Thoth.

  • Flowers: Marigold and Sunflower.

  • Herbs: Angelica, Bay, Chamomile, Fennel, Rue, and St. John’s Wort.

  • Nature Spirits: Dryads

  • Scents: Frankincense and Heliotrope.

  • Stones: Carnelian, Cat’s eye, Fire Agate, and Jasper.

  • Trees: Alder, Cedar, and Hazel.


     The Full Moon in August is a time when our energy is poured into harvesting, gathering, and appreciating. It is a time to of vitality, health, and friendships. Dream-work, divination, and meditation on the harvest we are receiving, and the seeds that we have sown, are appropriate for this Full Moon. Sturgeon, a large fish of major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes called it the Full Red Moon because, as the Moon rose, it appeared reddish through any sultry haze. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon. Persephone, virgin Goddess of rebirth, carries a sheaf of barley as a symbol of the harvest. 


Corn or Harvest Moon

  • Animals: Ibis, Jackal, Snake, and Sparrow.

  • Colors: Brown, Yellow, and Yellow-Green.

  • Deities: Ceres, Ch’ang-O, Demeter, Isis, Nephthys, and Thoth.

  • Flowers: Lily and Narcissus.

  • Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Rye, Skullcap, Valerian, and Wheat.

  • Nature Spirits: Trooping Faeries

  • Scents: Bergamot, Gardenia, Mastic, and Storax.

  • Stones: Chrysolite, Citrine, Olivine, and Peridot.

  • Trees: Bay, Hazel, and Larch.


     The Full Moon in September is a time of balance between light and dark. We have sown our seeds and reaped the benefits, and now it is time to rest and reflect.  Now is the time to organize, straighten up and clean physical, emotional, and spiritual clutter. The September full moon is actually the Harvest Moon, which is the full Moon that occurs closest to the Autumn Equinox. In two years out of three, the Harvest Moon comes in September, but in some years, it occurs in October. Native Americans sometimes refer to it as the Corn moon because it marked the time when corn was supposed to be harvested. The chief Indian staples of corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice are now ready for gathering.


Blood or Hunter's Moon

  • Animals: Crow, Elephant, Heron, Jackal, Ram, Robin, Scorpion, and Stag.

  • Colors: Dark Blue-Green

  • Deities: Astarte, Belili, Demeter, Hathor, The Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, and Lakshmi.

  • Flowers: Calendula, Cosmos, and Marigold.

  • Herbs: Angelica, Burdock, Catnip, Pennyroyal, Thyme, and Uva Ursi.

  • Nature Spirits: Frost Faeries and Plant Faeries.

  • Scents: Apple Blossom, Cherry, and Strawberry.

  • Stones: Beryl, Opal, Tourmaline, and Turquoise.

  • Trees: Cypress and Yew.


     The Blood Moon falls just before Samhain and brings a change in energy that invites us to begin to draw within ourselves, to begin the long contemplative months of the coming winter. The October Moon takes its name from the ancient custom of killing livestock before winter arrives. It’s a time to let go of that which no longer serves you. It’s a powerful time for meditations of karma and reincarnation, inner cleansing, and inner harmony. Magic workings about justice and balance are particularly relevant. It’s a good time to purify your home, to remove unwanted energies or entities.  The Hunter's Moon is historically an important feast day in both Western Europe and among many Native American tribes.


Beaver or Oak Moon

  • Animals: Crocodile, Goose, Jackal, Owl, Scorpion, Sparrow, and Unicorn.​

  • Colors: Grey and Sea-Green.

  • Deities: Bastet, Black Isis, Hecate, Kali, Lakshmi, Nicnevin, Osiris, Sarasvati, and Skadi.

  • Flowers: Blooming Cacti and Chrysanthemum.

  • Herbs: Betony, Blessed Thistle, Borage, Cinquefoil, Grains of Paradise, and Verbena.

  • Nature Spirits: Underground Faeries

  • Scents: Cedar, Cherry Blossoms, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Peppermint, and Lemon.

  • Stones: Lapis Lazuli and Topaz.

  • Trees: Alder and Cypress.


     The Full Moon in November is a time of grounding, preparation, and transformation. Work magic that will strengthen your communication with the Goddess or God that seems closest to you. Beavers were actively preparing for winter and they provided a source of warm winter furs for trappers. This moon is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon. Others call it the Oak Moon, named after the sacred tree of the Druids which withstands winter storms.


Cold or Long Night Moon

  • Animals: Bear, Deer, Horse, Mouse, Robin, Rook, and Snowy Owl.​

  • Colors: Dark Green, Gold, Ice Blue, Red, Silver, and White.

  • Deities: Athene, Fate, Hathor, Hecate, Ixchel, Minerva, Neith, Norns, and Osiris.

  • Flowers: Christmas Cactus, Holly, and Poinsettia.

  • Herbs: English Ivy, Holly, and Mistletoe.

  • Nature Spirits: Storm Faeries and Winter Tree Faeries.

  • Scents: Frankincense, Geranium, Myrrh, Lilac, Patchouli, Rose, and Violet.

  • Stones: Jacinth, Peridot, and Serpentine.

  • Trees: Fir, Holly, and Pine.


     As Winter arrives the temperatures plummet. Some also call this the Long Night Moon as the nights lengthen and the moon spends more time above the horizon. This is a month for thinking about the new year and forming plans and ideas to put into action during the coming months. Now is the time of endurance, death, and rebirth. The Earth tides will soon turn towards the Sun, but for now we are still in darkness.  Within the dark we may begin the personal alchemy of transformation. It is a time to strengthen our spiritual paths through contemplation and meditation.  We shall remember our friends and family and many of us will reach out to the lonely and the needy through volunteering.


The Blue Moon

     A Blue Moon occurs when the moon with its 28 day cycle appears twice within the same calendar month. Many consider the Blue Moon to be a goal moon where you set specific goals for yourself.


The Black Moon

     A Black Moon occurs when there are two dark cycles of the moon in any given calendar month. It is believed that the second dark moon is a time of great power within the spiritual world and any magic worked during this time is especially powerful.


Moon Magic

     For many Pagans, the cycles of the moon are important to magical workings. It's believed in some traditions that the waxing moon, the full moon, the waning moon and the new moon all have their own special magical properties, and so workings should be planned accordingly. If your tradition follows these guidelines—or if you think you'd like to time your magic based upon the phase of the moon—here are some tips on what sort of magic to perform during the various lunar stages.

The Full Moon

     The full moon is the point at which we can see an entire side of the moon. For magical purposes, many modern Pagans consider the full moon to include the day before and the day after a full moon, for a total of three days. If your tradition requires you to follow the phases of the moon for your magical workings, this is a good time to do rituals focused on personal growth and spiritual development. Some examples would include:

  • Spells related to increasing your intuitive awareness.

  • Healing magic.

  • Rituals that connect you closely with deity, such as Drawing Down the Moon.

  • Any magic related to developing your magical skills.


For many Pagans, this is also a time to celebrate with an Esbat ritual.

The Waning Moon

     The waning moon is the period during which the moon goes from full to dark once again. Like the waxing moon phase, it lasts approximately two weeks. In many traditions of Wicca and Paganism, this time of the month is used to do "baneful" magic -- that which sends away, gets rid of or destroys things you no longer wish to be burdened by. Some examples would include:

  • Magic to eliminate negative people or toxic relationships from your life.

  • Workings to smoothly end a relationship or job.

  • Rituals that banish bad habits.

  • Any magic related to reducing things, such as debt, illness, etc.

The New Moon

     The new moon is sometimes tricky to work with because you can't always see it during this phase - it will appear as a very faint crescent of silver low on the horizon if you can see it at all. For approximately three days during each lunar cycle, after the moon has waned, it goes dark before waxing again. In many magical traditions, this is considered a fallow time, in which one rests and rejuvenates before beginning more intense magical workings again. In other traditions, it's a time to do magic related to wish fulfillment. Some examples might include:

  • Cleansing and purifying of the body and mind.

  • Rituals that designate sacred space.

  • Any magic related to inner harmony and peace.

The Waxing Moon

     The waxing moon is the period during which the moon grows from dark to full. It takes approximately fourteen days for this to happen. In many magical traditions, people use this time of the moon to perform "positive" magic -- in other words, magic that draws things to you, or increases things. Some examples would include:

  • A money spell.

  • A working to get a new job or home.

  • Bringing love into one's life.

  • Any magic related to increasing material items.

Tarot Readings

     Can the phase of the moon influence your Tarot readings? Just like any other magical or metaphysical practice, some people believe that timing is everything – or at the very least, something. This means that if you have something specific you need to focus on – and it’s not a matter of immediate urgency – then doing your reading during a certain moon phase could definitely enhance the results you get, as well as your own intuitive skills.

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