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Herbs D - H


  • Scientific Name: Bellis Perennis

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

  • Source of Plants Oil:

  • Scent Description: Earthy

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Artemis, Freya, Hestia, and Thor.

  • Magical Attributes: Love, Luck, and Love.


Daisies contain essential oil, tannins, mucous substances, flavonoids, bitter substances, organic acids, resins, and inulin. The active ingredients are found in all parts of the plant. Daisy has anti-inflammatory and mild astringent properties and has been used internally, in tea form, as an herbal remedy for the common cold, bronchitis, and other inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.  The herb may be used for loss of appetite as it has a stimulating effect on the digestion system and it has been used as a treatment for many ailments of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, diarrhea, liver and gallbladder complaints and mild constipation. Daisies have been used traditionally for painful menstruation, cystitis and other inflammations of the urinary tract. Additionally, it may have its uses as a natural treatment for atopic dermatitis, gout, and chronic rheumatic conditions. The plant is known for its healing properties and can be used topically on small wounds, sores, and scratches to speed up the healing process. In addition, it has been used externally for dermatitis, rash, eczema, bruises, and boils.


It is said that whoever picks the first Daisy of the season will be possessed of "a spirit of coquetry" beyond any control. Sleep with a daisy root beneath your pillow and an absent lover may return to you. Worn, the Daisy brings love.


  • Scientific Name:  Taraxzcum Officinale

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Global

  • Source of Plants Oil: Flowers and Roots.

  • Scent Description: Earthy and Somewhat Sweet (opposite of its taste).

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Associated Deity: Hecate

  • Magical Attributes: Calling Spirits, Divination, and Wishes.


The leaves of the golden-flowered weed are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as potassium, zinc, iron, and calcium. The entire plant is useful as both medicine and food. The root is a classic liver tonic or "blood purifier", with a stimulating and decongesting effect on the liver. It also encourages optimal digestion, with a rich supply of bitter compounds that, having stimulated receptor sites on the tongue, signal the digestive tract. The root also stimulates the production of bile, which is turn helps break down cholesterol and fat. Unlike pharmaceutical diuretics, Dandelion root does not deplete the body's potassium (which helps control fluid balance), rather it replaces it. You can make the flowers into Dandelion wine or gently sauté them in butter for a fine crunchy flavor reminiscent of that of fried mushrooms. The flowers and stalks contain a milky latex that is helpful in getting rid of warts. It works, but you must be diligent; apply fresh latex directly on a wart several times daily for 2 to 3 weeks and watch the wart disappear. The latex is also a mosquito repellent.


To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off the head of a  Dandelion. You will live as many years as there are seeds left on the head. The root, when dried, roasted, and ground like coffee, is used to make a tea. This infusion will promote psychic powers. The same tea, steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits. To send a message to a loved one, slow at the seed head in his/her direction and visualize your message. Dandelions, buried in the northwest corner of the house, bring favorable winds.


  • Scientific Name: Anethum Graveolens

  • Botanical Family: Anethum

  • Origins: Mediterranean and Southern Russia.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds and Leaves

  • Scent Description: Delicate Herbaceous and Slightly Spicy.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Amsety and Horus.

  • Magical Attributes: Luck, Lust, Money, Protection, and Useful in Love Charms. May also be hung in children’s rooms to protect them from bad dreams.


The essential oil found in Dill seeds is a key ingredient in the preparation of Dill Water, a popular treatment for flatulence and intestinal colic in infants and children. Dill seeds have been used to improve the flow of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers. Used in this way, even culinary quantities of dill seeds can allow the herb’s medical properties to be passed onto the child. Dill seeds can be used in adults for gastrointestinal conditions characterized by wind, bloating, and cramping as a result of its antispasmodic effect.


Dill seeds are believed to be Lucky in three different ways, to bring about Good Fortune in Love Affairs, to Win in Court, and to Ward off Disease. We are told by those who use Dill seeds in Romantic Matters that they soak the seeds in water for three days and use the liquid in a Love Bath. Used in love & protection charms. Effective at keeping away dark forces, useful for house blessing. Keeps the mind cognizant of the line between superstition and the realities of magick. Place seeds in muslin and hang in the shower to attract women. Use dill seeds in money spells. The scent of dill is said to stimulate lust. Add grains of dill seed to a bath before going on a date to make yourself irresistible.

Dragon's Blood

  • Scientific Name: Daemonorops Draco

  • Botanical Family: Arecaceae

  • Origins: Borneo, Malaysia, Sumatra, and Thailand.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Resin

  • Scent Description: Somewhat Sweet and Strong.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Minerva

  • Magical Attributes: Banishing Sexuality, Exorcism, Love, Luck, Potency, and Protection.


Dragon's blood has been used for its antiviral and wound-healing effects. (I have seen this first-hand with my son when he cut himself with a knife on accident. The resin helped his blood coagulate.) Taspine, a component of dragon's blood, has been documented to have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing actions. Taspine and a proanthocyanidin component also have been shown to have antiviral activities. Animal and laboratory tests have shown some promise for the use of dragon's blood for these medicinal effects. To date, there are no human clinical studies verifying these effects. Dragon's blood also plays a role in GI health. Practitioners are reporting it beneficial for stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease when taken internally. Preparations made from dragon's blood are found in several pharmaceutical products, some of them patented. A patent describing use of the proanthocyanidin polymer from croton species as an antidiarrheal was issued to Shaman Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USA. A clinical trial of the principal ingredient in patients with HIV-associated diarrhea demonstrated beneficial effects. This important "rainforest resource" has several uses that have been validated by several studies.


This resin from a palm tree is burned to entice errant lovers to return. This us usually done by woman seated near an open window, looking outside, at night. A stick of Dragon's Blood placed under the pillow of mattress will cure impotency. The dried resin is a powerful protectant when carried, sprinkled around the house, or smoldered as incense. It will drive evil and negativity away when burned. A pinch of Dragon's Blood added to other incense increase their potency and power. Carried for good luck. May be dissolved in the bath for strong purification. To quiet a noisy house, powder some Dragon's Blood, mix it with sugar and salt, and place in a bottle. Cover this tightly and secure it somewhere in your house where it won't be found. You'll have peace and quiet.


  • Scientific Name: Eucalyptus Globulous

  • Botanical Family: Myrtaceae

  • Origins: Australia

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Camphoraceous, Cool, Herbal and Minty.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Moon

  • Associated Deity: Selene

  • Magical Attributes: Used in Healing and Protection charms and amulets. Place the leaves around a blue candle and burn for healing energies. Green pods worn around the neck ease the discomfort of colds, sore throats, and congestion.


The essential oil is used today as a popular remedy for upper respiratory tract infections, predominantly as a decongestant for catarrhal conditions. It is in the form of chest rubs or as an inhalant with a few drops added to a vaporizer or put on a handkerchief. Internal use of the essential oil is not recommended except in commercial preparations, such as cough lozenges and cough mix, in which the oil is present in a diluted form. The oil can also be used topically, especially for as a cold sore treatment. It is also common in a number of ointments used to relieve muscle aches and joint pain.


Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing sachets. Use to purify any space. Use dried leaves to stuff healing poppets, pillows, or sachets. Arrange a ring of dried leaves around a blue candle and burn the candle for healing vibrations. Carry in a sachet or amulet to help reconcile difficulties in a relationship, for protection, and/or to maintain health.


  • Scientific Name: Foeniculum Vulgare

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origin: Mediterranean

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Herbal and Anise-Tinged.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Adonis, Aphrodite

  • Magical Attributes: Healing, Money, Protection, and Purification.


Has a calming effect on the digestive system, relieving flatulence bloating, and abdominal discomfort, and it’s pleasant taste and gentile action make it popular for such conditions in children. Has also been taken by breastfeeding mothers as a remedy for improving breast milk flow; used this way, the therapeutic effects can be passed onto young infants experiencing colic and griping Has long been used to treat respiratory complications for both adults and children. Sometimes employed as an appetite suppressant and digestive aid. Used in tea form to expel mucus. Chew the seeds slowly for really bad breath or use the fluid extract to rub on gums.


Use in spells for protection, healing, and purification. Provides help and strength when facing danger or dire times. Fennel is thought to increase the length of one's incarnation. Hang in windows and doors to ward off evil.


  • Scientific Name: Tanacetum Parthenium

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Chile, Europe, and North America.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Bitter

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Freya and Frigga.

  • Magical Attributes: Healing, Hex- Breaking, Protection, and Travel.


Modern research confirms anecdotal evidence or earlier decades that Feverfew can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Recent research on it's anti-inflammatory properties also support its historical use in easing menstrual cramps, arthritis, and fevers. But is is the traditional use of Feverfew in preventing headaches for which the herb is best known for. However, the prevention of migraines is not completely understood. One of the more than 40 compounds in the leaf is parthenolide, shown to ease smooth muscle spasms and prevent the constriction of blood vessels in the brain, one of the leading causes of migraine headaches. While there is little question that this compound is important, it appears that parthenolide is only one of a number of compounds that contribute to the overall effect. A few people experience mouth ulcers, primarily associated with chewing the fresh leaf, use should be discontinued if that occurs with any product. Withdrawal headaches have been reported by roughly 10% of long-term Feverfew users when they abruptly stopped taking it. Tapering off Feverfew minimizes this effect. Pregnant women should not use Feverfew.


Feverfew is often used in mojo bags. Alone or combined with hyssop and rosemary in a bag it is used to prevent general accidents. To prevent accidents while traveling, put it in a bag with comfrey root and a St Christopher medal and put it in your glove box, rearview mirror or carry on bag. Carry it with you for protection against colds and fevers, as well as accidents. Likewise, using feverfew as a bath tea will help break hexes designed to make you more accident-prone. Growing this plant around the outside of your home is said to prevent illness from entering. Binding the flowers to the wrist is said to assist in drawing out pain as well.


  • Scientific Name: Linum Usitatissimum

  • Botanical Family: Linaceae

  • Origins: Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Mediterranean, North America, Republic of George, Switzerland, Syria, and Turkey.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Nutty and Slightly Toasted.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Ares, Hulda, and Neith.

  • Magical Attributes: Beauty, Healing, Money, Protection, and Psychic Powers.


Flaxseed is a good source of dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. The fiber in flaxseed is found primarily in the seed coat. Taken before a meal, flaxseed fiber seems to make people feel less hungry, so that they might eat less food. Researchers believe this fiber binds with cholesterol in the intestine and prevents it from being absorbed. Flaxseed also seems to make platelets, the blood cells involved in clotting, less sticky. Overall, flaxseed’s effects on cholesterol and blood clotting may lower the risk of “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis). Flaxseed is sometimes tried for cancer because it is broken down by the body into chemicals called “lignans.” Lignans are similar to the female hormone estrogen - so similar, in fact, that they compete with estrogen for a part in certain chemical reactions. As a result, natural estrogens seem to become less powerful in the body. Some researchers believe that lignans may be able to slow down the progress of certain breast cancers and other types of cancers that need estrogen to thrive. For systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), flaxseed is thought to improve kidney function by decreasing the thickness of blood, reducing cholesterol levels, and reducing swelling. There is some concern that taking large amounts of flaxseed could block the intestines due to the bulk-forming laxative effects of flaxseed. Flaxseed should be taken with plenty of water to prevent this from happening. Taking raw or unripe flaxseed by mouth is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Flaxseed in these forms is thought to be poisonous.


Flax was used in rituals to Hulda, the Teutonic Goddess who first taught  mortals to cultivate Flax, and to spin it into linen thread and weave it into cloth. Flaxseeds are used in money spells. A few can be placed in the pocket, wallet, or purse, or a jar should be placed on the alter and a few coins, plus some flaxseed added. The blue Flax flowers are worn as a preservative against sorcery. To protect yourself while asleep, mix equal parts Flaxseed and mustard seed and place this mixture next to your bed. On the other side oft he bed, place a pan of cold water. You will be guarded during your slumber. Alternatively, a combination of red pepper and Flaxseeds, kept in a box somewhere in the house, prevents evil from entering. Sprinkle the alter with flaxseeds while performing healing rituals, or include it in healing mixtures.


  • Scientific Name: Boswellia Carteri

  • Botanical Family: Burseraceae

  • Origins: Somalia

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Resin

  • Scent Description: Warm, Earthy, Slightly Musky, Notes of Citrus on the Back end.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Aphrodite, Apollo, Februus, and Helios.

  • Magical Attributes: Banishing, Consecration, Empower, Justice, Meditation, Protection, Purification, Spells, Spirituality, and Strength.


Frankincense is the hardened gum-like material (resin) that comes from cuts made in the trunk of the Boswellia Carteri tree. People have been using it for medical, religious, and social applications for more than 5000 years. The main chemical constituents of the essential oil are Limonene, Pinene, Borneol, Farnesol, Phellandrene, Myrcene, and other constituents. Limonene demonstrates antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. It is believed to reduce feelings of anxiety and to stimulate the immune system. Pinene is known to strengthen and invigorate the respiratory system and is reported to have diuretic properties based on empirical evidence. Borneol contributes tonic, anesthetic, sedative, and anti-spasmodic properties to this oil. Frankincense is used for colic and intestinal gas (flatulence). It is sometimes applied to the skin in hand cream. Used medicinally, this anti-inflammatory oil is known to soothe inflamed skin by reducing the sensations of redness, swelling, and itching. It helps to disinfect and tighten the pores, thereby promoting the speedy healing of cuts, wounds, and scars. It is used to relieve flatulence, stimulate the growth of new skin cells, and stimulate blood flow and circulation among other competencies. The essential oil of frankincense is used on the skin and by inhalation as a pain-killer.


In modern magical traditions, frankincense is often used as a purifier – burn the resin to cleanse a sacred space, or use the essential oils* to anoint an area that needs to be purified. Because it is believed that the vibrational energies of frankincense are particularly powerful, many people mix frankincense with other herbs to give them a magical boost. Many people find that it makes a perfect incense to use during meditation, energy work, or chakra exercises such as opening the third eye. In some belief systems, frankincense is associated with good fortune in business–carry a few bits of resin in your pocket when you go to a business meeting or interview. In some traditions of Hoodoo and Rootwork, frankincense is used to anoint petitions, and is said to give the other magical herbs in the working a boost. A cautionary note regarding the use of essential oils: frankincense oils can sometimes cause a reaction in people with sensitive skin and should only be used very sparingly, or diluted with a base oil before using.


  • Scientific Name: Allium Sativum

  • Botanical Family: ‎Amaryllidaceae

  • Origin: Central Asia

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Bulb

  • Scent Description: Pungent and Hardy.

  • Element: Mars

  • Planet: Fire

  • Associated Deity: Hecate

  • Magical Attributes: Anti-Theft, Cleansing, Courage, Dispel Depression, Exorcism, Good Weather, Healing, Lust, Negativity, Obsessive Thoughts, Protection, and Purification.


Is a potent natural antibiotic. Can help to prevent and treat lung infections and is a traditional cure for coughs and colds.  Garlic’s antimicrobial effect also extend to the gut, and it can be helpful in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections. Furthermore, inclusion of garlic in the diet has also been shown to have a preventative effect against stomach and colorectal cancers. Garlic produces a number of beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, many of which have been confirmed by clinical trials. Garlic supplementation has been shown to lower the risk of blood-clot formations. It can also help to reduce blood pressure as well as improving general circulation. To ease the pain of aching joints, a toothache, or an earache, place a crushed raw bulb of garlic on a piece of gauze and place over the area of pain. For joints, try using garlic paste.


Used to invoke Hecate. Guards against negative magic, spirits, and the envy of others. Hang in the home to bring togetherness to the family or keep your willpower strong. Said to ward off bad weather when worn or carried during outside activities. Believed to absorb diseases -- rub fresh, peeled garlic against ailing body parts then throw the garlic into running water.

Geranium (Rose)

  • Scientific Name: Pelargonium Graveolens

  • Botanical Family: Geraniaceae

  • Origin: Egypt, India, and Morocco.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Fresh, Clean, Herbal, Sweet, and Floral.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Concordia

  • Magical Attributes: Balance, Healing, Hex Breaking, Love, and Protection.


A 2017 review of studies on geranium essential oil indicated that its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties make it beneficial for reducing acne breakouts, skin irritation, and skin infections when applied topically. A small observational study and anecdotal evidence suggests geranium essential oil may ease nasal symptoms caused by this condition, such as bleeding, scabbing, pain, dryness, and sores. Potentially toxic if ingested. Never use essential oils internally without the supervision of a trained professional. Commonly adulterated, use a reputable dealer to find this oil.


Harmony is the hallmark of Geranium. Plant a border of Germanium plants around the home to stabilize those living within. Alternate with another member of the Geranium family for a pleasant citrus and rose blend. Diffuse a drop of essential oil in water to calm tense situations. Whether it’s having a tough discussion with a pattern of mediating a dispute between coven members, peers, or children, it will calm the emotions of those present and help the conversation move forward. Diffuse Geranium to help end arguments between people present. Geranium is an easy ally to work with for hex breaking. It stimulates awareness internally and externally. It also inspires focused action in  response to threats. The hex-breaking properties of Geranium also make it a powerful ally for protection work. Simply place one drop of Geranium essential oil in 2 ml of carrier oil and shake. Apply to doors, windows, and backs of mirrors.


  • Scientific Name: Zingiber Officinale

  • Botanical Family: Zingiberaceae

  • Origin: China

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Roots

  • Scent Description: Fresh, Biting, and Spicy.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Ares and Mars.

  • Magical Attributes: Anti-Theft,  Exorcism, Healing, Love, Lust, Money Matters, Power, Protection, and Success.


It has been clinically proven as a safe, effective remedy for the prevention of and treatment of nausea. It can also benefit other digestive symptoms such as indigestion, colic, and flatulence. It is traditionally used to relieve various conditions associated with ‘cold’ symptoms as well as periods pains, cold hands and feet, arthritis, and rheumatism. It may also help protect the heart and blood vessels by preventing the formation of blood clots and lowering cholesterol levels. Can be added to the bath as a way to ease pain and increase circulation, but only use a few sprinkles, not too much, like cayenne, ginger quickly brings the blood to the surface of the skin. For pain you can also soak cloths in ginger tea and apply them directly to the painful areas. Add in cooking to detoxify meat, especially chicken. A good healing tea is made from a pinch of peppermint, a pinch of ginger and either a pinch of clove powder or 2 bruised cloves, add 1 cup of hot water and steep.


Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Place in amulet, mojo, or medicine bag to promote good health & protection. Use in herbal mixtures for the consecration of athames to strengthen and energize the ritual blade. A ginger root in the form of a human is an enormously powerful magical token.


  • Scientific Name: Citrus Paradisi

  • Botanical Family: Rutaceae

  • Origins: United States

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Peels

  • Scent Description: Bright, Sweet, Sour, and Citrusy.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Alectrona

  • Magical Attributes: Cleansing, Healing, Protection, Purification, and Uplifting.


Grapefruit is a source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, pectin, and other nutrients. Some components might have antioxidant effects that might help protect cells from damage or reduce cholesterol. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit. People use the fruit, oil from the peel, and extracts from the seed as medicine. Grapefruit seed extract is processed from grapefruit seeds and pulp obtained as a byproduct from grapefruit juice production. Vegetable glycerin is added to the final product to reduce acidity and bitterness. Grapefruit is commonly taken by mouth for weight loss. It is also used for asthma, high cholesterol, cancer, and many other conditions, but there is not good scientific evidence to support these other uses. In food and beverages, grapefruit is consumed as a fruit, juice, and is used as a flavoring component. In manufacturing, grapefruit oil and seed extract are used as a fragrance component in soaps and cosmetics; and as a household cleaner for fruits, vegetables, meats, kitchen surfaces, dishes, and others. In agriculture, grapefruit seed extract is used to kill bacteria and fungus, fight mold growth, kill parasites in animal feeds, preserve food and disinfect water. It's important to remember that drug interactions with grapefruit juice are well documented. The chemistry of the grapefruit varies by the species, the growing conditions, and the process used to extract the juice. Before adding grapefruit to your diet or your list of natural medicines, check with your healthcare provider if you take medications. Not enough is known about the use of grapefruit during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. There is concern about the safety of drinking excessive amounts of grapefruit juice. Some research suggests that postmenopausal women who consume a quart or more of grapefruit juice every day have a 25% to 30% increased chance of developing breast cancer. Grapefruit juice decreases how estrogen is broken down in the body and might increase estrogen levels in the body. More research is needed to confirm these findings. Until more is known, avoid drinking excessive amounts of grapefruit juice, especially if you have breast cancer or are at higher than usual risk for developing breast cancer. Consuming large amounts of grapefruit might increase hormone levels and therefore increase the risk of hormone sensitive conditions. Women with hormone sensitive conditions should avoid grapefruit.


Place dried Grapefruit rind scented with a few drops of essential Oil on the bedside table of a sickroom to lend healing energies to the ill person. Grapefruit is an interesting ally for protection. Instead of merely forming a protective egg or sphere around the protected, Grapefruit’s solar energy burns away the threads of the threat to friends and loved ones. Simply add a drop of Grapefruit oil to cotton and place it another protective essential oil such as lavender or frankincense will make the effects even stronger. The hormonal-regulating magic of Grapefruit is well known, It not only dissipates hormonal-related irritability, it can even soothe the symptoms of menopause. Consider a gently scented Grapefruit spritz for magically banishing premenstrual symptoms and menopause difficulties.

Hellebore (Poisonous)

  • Scientific Name: Helleborus

  • Botanical Family: Ranunculacese

  • Origins: Balkans, China, Syria, and Turkey.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Flowers, Roots, and Seeds.

  • Scent Description:  Coffee, Roast Beef, and Wet Dog.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Mars and Saturn.

  • Associated Deity: Athena, Hecate, Hel, and Saturn.

  • Magical Attributes: Astral Projection, Exorcism, and Invisibility.


Black hellebore is a very poisonous plant that is toxic when taken in all but the smallest doses. As such it should not be taken except under professional supervision. The plant contains cardiac glycosides which have a similar action to the foxglove (Digitalis spp) and it has been used as a heart stimulant for the elderly, though this treatment is no longer recommended. The root is anthelmintic, cardiac, cathartic, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, irritant, violently narcotic and a drastic purgative. It is harvested in the autumn and dried for later use. It has been used in the treatment of dropsy, amenorrhoea, nervous disorders and hysteria, but it is very poisonous and great care must be taken over the dosage. The root is also applied externally as a local irritant, but even this should be done with care, see notes above on toxicity. A homeopathic remedy is made from the roots. It is used in the treatment of headaches, psychic disorders, enteritis and spasms.


Scatter powdered Hellebore before you as you move and you shall be invisible. Hellebore was also used in exorcism rituals, and was at one time used in inducing astral projection. As with most poisonous herbs it is simply too dangerous to use!

Hemlock (Poisonous)

  • Scientific Name: Conium Maculatum

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: Europe and North Africa.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Musty

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Associated Deity: Hecate and Saturn.

  • Magical Attributes: Astral Projection, Destroying Sexual Drive, Empower, and Purification.


Hemlock is a very poisonous plant. In fact, all parts of the plant are toxic. It's most poisonous during the early stages of growth in the spring, but it's dangerous at all stages of growth. The poisons in Hemlock are so deadly that people have died after eating animals that had eaten hemlock parts. It contains poisons that affect the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle. This can cause serious adverse effects, including death. Despite serious safety concerns, Hemlock is used for bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, arthritis, and other conditions, but there is no scientific evidence to support these uses.


Hemlock was once used in magic to induce astral protection, and in spells to destroy sexual drive. Its juice was rubbed onto magical knives and swords to empower and purify them before use. If you value your life, DO NOT USE!


  • Scientific Name: Cannabis Sativa

  • Botanical Family: Cannabaceae

  • Origins: Central and South Asia.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Leaves and Seeds.

  • Scent Description: Skunk Grass

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Associated Deity: Bastet and Saturn.

  • Magical Attributes: Healing, Love, Meditation, and Visions.


Hemp is the same species of plant as cannabis. But unlike cannabis, hemp contains very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), less than 0.3%. It is legal to sell hemp and hemp products in the U.S. But it is not legal to isolate cannabinoids from hemp to include in foods or dietary supplements. This is because one of the cannabinoids, called cannabidiol, is approved as a prescription drug. Since it's a prescription drug, it can't be included in dietary supplements. Hemp flowers, leaves, seed, seed oil, and protein are used as food and/or medicine. Hemp seed contains fats, protein, and other chemicals. The fats in hemp seed might help to reduce inflammation. Some chemicals in hemp seed help to promote bowel movements and lower blood pressure. Don't confuse hemp with Canadian hemp, hemp agrimony, cannabis, or cannabidiol (CBD). There isn't enough reliable information to know if hemp is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. There isn't enough info to know whether hemp can be safely used by children. Hemp seed oil has caused rare cases of sleepiness and blood shot eyes in children. People who are allergic to cannabis might also be allergic to hemp. Use hemp with caution if you are allergic to cannabis.


Hemp as long been used in love spells and divination. Hemp was part of any visions and scrying incenses, the smoke of which opened the psychic senses. Mugwort and Hemp were prescribed to be burned before a magic mirror to gain visions. It was also added to meditation incenses. Scourges made with hemp were used in China as imitation snakes, which were beaten against the bed of the sick to drive out the malicious, illness-causing demons.


  • Scientific Name: Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis

  • Botanical Family: Malvales

  • Origin: Ease Asia

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Sweet, Tart, and Fresh.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Kali and Lord Ganesha.

  • Magical Attributes: Divination, Lust, and Love.


Modern studies show promise for both the tea and hibiscus plant extract to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Although more research is still needed, this could be good news for the future of heart disease treatment. It shows potential for cancer treatment and as a weight loss aid, along with other uses. There aren’t many studies in these areas, but some research suggests that anthocyanins may hold the key to hibiscus’ anticancer properties. Another recent study found that hibiscus extract might have an effect on metabolism, preventing obesity and fat buildup in the liver. The tropical plant has even been used successfully part of an herbal extract mixture to treat head lice.


If used in rituals and spells, you can use them effectively to attract love/lust, divination, and dreams. Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love.


  • Scientific Name: Ilex Aquifolium

  • Botanical Family: Aquifolaceae

  • Origins: Europe, North America, and South America.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Berries and Leaves.

  • Scent Description: Very Sweet

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Athena, The Holly King, Saturn, and Zeus.

  • Magical Attributes: Anti-Lightning, Dream Magic, Luck, and Protection.


English Holly and American Holly are used as ornamental Christmas greens. The leaves of these and other Holly species are used to make medicine. The berries are very poisonous and should not be swallowed. Historically, American Holly fruit tea was used as a heart stimulant by American Indians. Yaupon, another type of Holly, was used to cause vomiting, and Yaupon tea was used as a ceremonial "cleanser" in South America. Holly is also used for cough, fever, digestive disorders, heart disease, and other conditions. But there is no scientific research to support any use. There isn't enough reliable information available to know if Holly leaves are safe to eat. The leaves can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach and intestinal problems. Swallowing Holly leaf spines may tear or puncture the inside of the mouth and other parts of the digestive tract. Holly berries are UNSAFE. Eating Holly berries can kill a child. Be sure to keep Holly away from children.


Holly guards against lightning, poison, and evil spirits. Planted around the home it protects it and its inhabitants form mischievous sorcerers. Holly is also carried to promote good luck, especially by men, since the Holy is a "male" plant. It is also hung around the house for good luck on Yule.


  • Scientific Name: Lonicera Caprifolium

  • Botanical Family: Caprifoliaceae

  • Origins: Africa, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description: Citrus, Honey, and Pungent.

  • Element: Earth

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Associated Deity: Poseidon, Ptah, and Zeus.

  • Magical Attributes: Money, Protection, and Psychic Powers.


The flower, seed, berries, and leaves of Honeysuckle are used for indigestion, upper airway infections, diabetes, skin problems, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Be careful not to confuse honeysuckle with other plants such as woodbine, American ivy, and gelsemium. All of these plants are sometimes called woodbine. Honeysuckle might slow blood clotting, so there is concern that it might increase the risk of extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using honeysuckle at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


Ring green candles with Honeysuckle flowers to attract money, or place them in a vase in the house for the same purpose. Lightly crush the fresh flowers and then rub on the forehead to heighted psychic powers. If a Honeysuckle plant grows outside near your home it will bring good luck, and if it grows over the door it will keep fevers at bay for the household.


  • Scientific Name: Humulus Lupulus

  • Botanical Family: Cannabaceae

  • Origins: Northern Hemisphere

  • Source of Plants Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Earthy, Grass, Pine Needles.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Ares, Mars, and Sekhmet.

  • Magical Attributes: Healing and Sleep.


Though more famous as an ingredient vital to brewing beer, hops has been used to improve appetite, relieve toothaches and nerve pain, treat fevers, and treat insomnia around the world. Most of the scientific research evaluating the effectiveness of Hops for anxiety and sleep has been conducted on a combination of Hops and Valerian. One area that is garnering attention is the potential use of hops for the relief of menopausal symptoms. Researchers have identified at least one key compound in Hops, 8-prenylnaringenin, linked to significant hormonal activity. A 6 week study in menopausal women found that a standardized hop extract decreased the number of hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia. Another study found that a topical applied gel containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, and Hops extract significantly improved vaginal dryness in postmenopausal women.


A pillow stuffed with dried Hops brings on sleep and rest. They are also used in healing sachets and incenses.


  • Scientific Name: Marrabium Vulgare

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origins: Central and Western Asia, Southern Europe, and North Africa.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Bitter

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Horus

  • Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Mental Power, and Protection.


Horehound has been used for centuries to clear nasal passages and alleviate other symptoms associated with the sniffles. Herbalists have employed it to treat hepatitis and jaundice. But Horehound's most reliable uses are to soothe sore throats, help the lungs expel mucus, and treat bronchitis. A weak sedative, it also helps normalize an irregular heartbeat. It induces sweating and will lower a fever, especially when infused and drunk as a hot tea. The plant contains vitamin C, which adds to its ability to fight colds.


Horehound is sued in protective sachets, and is carried to guard against sorcery and fascination. Horehound is also scattered as an exorcism herb. Drink an infusion of the herb and it will clear your mind and promote quick thinking, as well as strengthen the mental powers.

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