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Fae A - C


  • Alternative Name: Archangel, Celestial Being, Cherub, Guardian and Seraph.

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Conditional

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Ceremonial Magic, Elemental and Planetary Magic, Guidance, and Protection.

  • Origin: Global

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Although best known for Western Christianity, there is lore that departs from Biblical Angles. Some faeries are said to be Fallen Angles. That is not to say that all angelic faeries are evil once they leave heaven. Yes, some are naughty, but others are seeking to garner favor to gain entry back into heaven, and doing so by helping humans. Others may have been sent down from heaven to do good work on Earth. In Ceremonial Magic, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Auriel are powerful beings associated with the planets and 4 elemental quarters. The names of these archangels are intoned to raise power for magical purposes. You need only speak their names to have them stand at your side for guidance and protection.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Human

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: England

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


These faeries made their written debut in folklore described in Shakespeare's plays, although they dwelled around England before his time. They are headless, with eyes sitting on their shoulders and tiny brains that reside in their genitals. Gaping mouths are in their chest. They feel on human flesh and should be avoided at all costs.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Clouds, Gambling, Healing Fallen Warriors, and Water.

  • Origin: Southeast Asia

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


The Apsaras exist in both Hindu and Buddhist spiritual mythologies. Apsaras can change shape, but their true forms are beautiful young females who are the spirits of water, clouds, and gambling. Apsaras have the power of flight, enjoy dancing, and are good ar caring for those who have fallen in battle and require healing. They're pleased by music that is good for dancing, as well as by the presence of water. Men should take care not to be seduced by an Apsaras, for according to mythology their hearts will be broken and their minds made numb to the world's spiritual ideas. Since they love to dance so much, they're also honored in it, and have inspired a Khmer dance, Robam Tep Apsara (Dance of the Apsara Divinities), performed by the Royal Ballet of Cambodia.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Conditional

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Scotland

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


In Scotland are beautiful young sea creatures called Ashrays, which look like the translucent white ghosts of humans. They are not ghosts, however, but living creatures that dwell in the sea. Their white skin may be due to the fact that they can never see the light of day; sunlight melts them, rendering them into pools of water the colors of the rainbow. Like any other sea creature, Ashrays are most pleased by humans reducing their impact on their watery environment. Unfortunately, you're unlikely to make contact with them, at they live deep underwater and generally avoid humans.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Saxon Countries

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


From Saxony, the Attorcroppe is a snake with arms and legs that walks just like a human. It's very small, as many faerie creatures are, but vicious and venomous. They live among rocky areas, especially near wilderness and water. To keep clear of them, one should avoid walking along rocky stream beds at night.


  • Alternative Name: Bogles and Boggans.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Peaty Alcoholic Drinks

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Finding lost things in Bogs.

  • Origin: England, Ireland, Isle of Man, and Wales.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Widespread throughout England, Ireland, Iles of Man, and Wales, Ballybogs are small, round, and mud-covered. They have tiny arms and legs that don't seem to support their weight. The slimmer English veriant, Boggans, are the only ones to wear clothes and to be intelligent enough for speech. The vast majority of Ballybogs communicate in short grunts. They are found near bogs, and would delight in gifts of peat and peaty alcoholic drinks. Some of their favorite games are footraces and tag. A Ballybog can be requested for help in finding anything lost in a boggy area, but they do so by physically running to show you, since they most likely cant communicate it to you with words.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Fire

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Greece

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


A Basilisk is a real lizard, but the word also refers to a mythological faerie creature form Greece. The mythological Basilisk is a snake with arms gleaming gold and bright red spiky or frilly comb on the top of its head. They are vicious and venomous, and can spread their venom simply by breathing upon, touching, or looking at a human being. Even killing a Basilisk is dangerous in and of itself, since the body is filled with its poisonous breath. The good news is that they don't reproduce quickly. Supposedly, Basilisk eggs are laid by Roosters and incubated for nine years be toads. To keep a Basilisk at bay, you need only have its natural enemies living in the area; Crows, Mongooses, Roosters, Snakes, or Weasels. Mirrors can also protect the wanderer from a Basilisk, since they can be warded off or possibly destroyed simply by viewing their own reflection.

Bean Fionns

  • Alternative Name: Greentoothed Woman, Jenny Greentooth, and Weisse Fraus.

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Temperamental

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: A kiss can render you immune to drowning.

  • Origin: England, Germany, and Ireland.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


A Bean Fionn can be found in bodies of water mainly in England, Germany, and Ireland. Though a kiss from one can render anyone immune to drowning, they are temperamental and as likely to kill a traveler as protect them. A Bean Fionn is the personification of the fear of one's children being drowned. Nightmarishly, the faeries will reach up from below the water and grab children playing in water or even close to the shore or on a bridge. These most dangerous of water faeries are most likely to be found in the darkest of lakes, which should be avoided at all costs. Charms against drowning, like an amulet made from a bag of ashes, kelp, and sea salt, may keep away their attacks.

Bean-Tighe (Ban-tee)

  • Alternate Name: Our Housekeeper

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Cream and Fresh Strawberries.

  • Friendly: Friendly to Humans and Pets.

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Aid in Protection of Children, Home, and Pets. Helps with Household Chores. Helps in human fertility spells.

  • Origins: Ireland

  • Sabbat: Beltane and Samhain

  • Season: Year Round


Generally thought to look like small elderly women in old-fashioned peasant clothing, with kindly dimpled faces. They are most likely to be found at your hearth-side. To contact them, call out to one, leave your home open to her, and leave out her favorite foods. Even if one will not take up residence with you, she will offer her blessing to your home.


  • Alternative Name: Cointeach, Cyoerraeth, and Washer at the Banks/Fords (of Shrouds).

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Conditional

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Foretells of Death.

  • Origin: England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Sometimes spelled as Banshees, these terrors announce or portend death with blood-curdling wails. In Scotland, a similar male variant also exists called Ly Erg. Always female, Banshees appear as winged human woman, but they are faeries that are sometimes mistaken for ghosts. Banshees appear beside rivers or streams, most often seen washing burial shrouds and keening in grief. They are a normal human size, pale, have long hair that appears wet, and are often depicted wearing a white, green, or black gown with a hood that obscures the hair or face. If you see her open her mouth to wail, her teeth will be pitch black. They are only scary because their wailing foretells of a death, and upon hearing her you can't help but wonder if it's oneself or one's loved ones that are to die. The Banshees themselves are not dangerous, and may represent a mother form who absorbs a soul before rebirth. You should probably be very afraid if one shows up at your door or window flapping her wings.

Black Angus

  • Alternate Name: Cu Sith, Gwn Annwn, or "Gabirel's Hounds".

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Meat

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: England and Scotland.

  • Sabbat: Samhain

  • Season: Year Round


Black Angus is a large black dog with yellow eyes and sharp teeth. Its fur is shaggy, and usually cited as being dark green though sometimes white. Its tail is described as being long and either coiled up or plaited (braided). Its paws are described as being the width of a man's hand. It is said he shows himself to those who will die within a fortnight. This faery is active at night. According to legend, the creature was capable of hunting silently, but would occasionally let out three terrifying barks, and only three, that could be heard for miles by those listening for it, even far out at sea. Those who hear the barking of the Black Angus must reach safety by the third bark or be overcome with terror to the point of death. It was also said the baying was a warning to lock up nursing women lest the beast abduct them and take them to a fairy mound to supply milk for the Daoine-Sìth.

Contact with this faeries is not advised!

Blue Hag

  • Alternative Name: Bheare, Black Annis, Cailleach, and Stone Woman.

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Apples, Hazelnuts, and Turnips.

  • Friendly: Temperamental to Feared.

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: The Crone of Female Divinity, and Wisdom.

  • Origin: Celtic Lands

  • Sabbat: Yule

  • Season: Winter


There is only one Blue Hag, but she is widespread, like a goddess figure, throughout Celtic lands. She appears to be an old woman in blue (or black) and white torn clothing, with a crow on her left shoulder. She goes out walking on winter nights, and may be temperamental and dangerous. She carries a walking stick made of holly and with the head of a crow at its top. If you were to be touched by her walking stick, you could die. She may be the embodiment of the crone aspect of female divinity, and should be respected as a Goddess, in not feared.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Unknown

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Bocans are terrifying creatures that robbed and killed people in medieval times. It was not a good idea to travel at night, because on the highways between towns, Bocans might be lying in wait. Since nobody ever lived through a Bocan attack, there are no physical descriptions of the creatures. Through they were rare even in their heyday, the best way to prevent an encounter was simply to restrict travel to daylight hours and to journey together in large groups.

Brown Men

  • Alternative Name: Moor Men

  • Element: Fire

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes, but Shy.

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Cornwall or Scotland.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Brown Men aren't brown, being from Cornwell and Scotland. Their hair is reddish, and they are made form leave that have become wet an rotten in the rain. Brown Men are short, always male, and have long fat arms. They tend not to meddle in the affairs for humans. If you call out to them near a moor, chances are they'll shy away. They're harmless, and keep they're distance, only living in wild places.


  • Alternate Name: Urisk/ùruisg in Lowland Scots

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite food: Alcohol and Cream.

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Cleanliness and Order.

  • Origins: Scotland

  • Sabbat: Yule

  • Season: Year Round


Brownies are lone faeries who become attached to a particular house. They live in dark corners or cupboards within the house, or sometimes in a hollow tree nearby. They love to do odd jobs around the house and keep things tidy. Brownies become affronted and may be driven off all together by too generous a reward, but they do like a dash of cream to be left for them. Brownies love order because it clears the mind and frees the heart. Far from being boring, order opens the way to magic. Part of the “order” that Brownies love is their own protocol. Everything in its place: food in the cupboard, animals in the stable, and prayers (if you must) in church. Anything out of place destroys order, over-complicates, and confuses. If you suspect a brownie is at work in your home, lucky you! Remember to play by his rules, not yours, and you will be well blessed.

Buachailleen (Book-al-leen)

  • Alternate Name: The Herding Boys

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Ireland and Scotland.

  • Sabbat: Litha

  • Season: Summer


They are small faeries who look like young men, who wear pointed red hats, which may be inverted flower caps. These faeries are excellent shape-shifters, and have mischievous natures that are almost mean and will often torment animals just for fun. When herding sheep in the areas infested with Buachailleen, one would do well to pray and chant aloud for protection of the flock. The Buachailleen are most active in the summer. They are found in pastures in summer.

Bugel Noz

  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Brittany

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Bugel Noz is an individual fae person. Though he lives by himself in the woods, he is very lonely, being that he is the last of his species. Sadly, his is so ugly and terrifying in appearance that humans and animals run from him. Bugel Noz may have to live out an immortal or mysteriously long living life in solitude. However, he calls out to those who walk in the forest to warm of his appearance before he emerges. Since he's harmless, it's fine to stand your ground and see if you can be his friend, should your paths ever cross.


  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: England and Germany

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Buggars tend to shape-shift so frequently that they have never been accurately described. They act very much like violent toddlers, having tantrums. But when they take a large form, they are far more dangerous. These faeries are extremely dangerous to humans, but they never leave the astral world. For the most part, they only make an appearance to scare children. They are a type of Goblin.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Frightens away Predators and Helps with Hunting and Traveling.

  • Origin: Australia, Possibly Central Africa.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Bunyips come from wetland regions of the land down under, but may have also originated in central Africa as well as Australia. They're about 4 feet tall, are fat, and humanoid with feet turned backwards. They are coated with a thick layer of the muck and the mire of the swamp. Friendly Bunyips are helpful to humans, warning of danger, leading hunters to prey, and chasing away dangerous wild life. They emerge at night or during the crepuscular hour, but legends say that only those of aboriginal origin may be able to actually see their physical form. Bunyips make a sound that is very much like a dog barking.​

Butterfly Spirits

  • Alternate Name: Buttery Spirits

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Fresh Butter

  • Friendly: Not Really

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Revenge

  • Origins: England

  • Sabbat: Litha

  • Season: Year Round


These faeries have never been seen, and they are only active at night. If they can be found it would be in an old abbey or inn. They are only known because of missing food and the revenge they seek against humans who have cheated others. The Buttery Sprites like to torment unscrupulous priests and abbots.

Bwaganod (Boo-kah-nohds)

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Shape-shifter

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Wales

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


These faeries are goblins who can shape-shift, thankfully for humans they’re terribly sloppy at it. The Bandwagons do not like humans. They enjoy frightening humans for fun because of their dislike. They are most active at dusk.

Contact with these faeries is not advised.

Bwbachs (Boo-box)

  • Alternate Name: Booakers and Cottagers.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Cake with Milk.

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: May possibly be able to help with home protection spells but they are very untrustworthy.

  • Origins: Wales

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Bwbachs are solitary house faeries who are mischievous. They are small, round, and wear large red hats and little loincloths. Look for these faeries in homes in faerieland, but it is not a good idea to invite them into your home. If you would like to meet one, make a simple ritual and invite them into your circle. You may want to use a bit of milk or cake for added inducement.

Bwciod (Bu-key'd)

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Fire

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Wales and other Welsh Countries.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Bwciod are solitary and moves so fast that they can barely be seen by human eyes. Bwciod are Goblins that are a foot tall, skinny, and have enormous feet. Their hands are slender and long, and their noses are pointy. All Bwciod have purple eyes and emotionless faces that don’t show their feelings. They are most active at night. If you meet a Bwciod on the inner planes try to get away as fast as possible and take care that he doesn’t follow you home. Contact is not advised.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Pork

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Albania, Greece, and Italy.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Winter


Callicantzario are naked faeries that are small, thin, and each with the feet of a different wild animal. They travel in groups during the winter, riding atop chickens and wearing fantastic and fancy hats. Callicantzario are functionally blind and mostly harmless. However, the pollute the water they use, so if you have them around your water source, you're advised to add a bit of hyssop to magically counteract their effects. It is said that lighting an old shoe on fire and setting it outside will scare them away for good if you don't want them around. If you want to get to know them or like them, give them an offering of pork.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Conditional

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Europe

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


A Changeling  is an Elf or a Troll that has been switched with a human baby shortly after birth so that the human family would raise it as their own. Faeries of all types were blamed with the theft of children. After all, in ancient times, childhood disease was rampant and many children didn't live to adulthood. Perhaps mythology about Changelings helped parents come to terms with an early death or come to grips with the mysterious and terrifying effects of a childhood disease. Scariest of all, a Changeling child that did live would often suddenly disappear, running away to rejoin his or her own family. Changeling children could be recognized by their striking good looks, and they were often described as having golden hair. Despite their physical beauty, they're always of delicate health. The only way to cure a Changeling or to prevent a child from being switched with a Changeling was baptism in water.

Chi Spirits

  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Helps around the house.

  • Origin: China

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Chinese Chi Spirits are called Spirits they have no physical form; they manifest in the air pure spiritual energy. Though they are invisible, they do establish residence in the physical home of humans, adopting a household or family for generations. It's thought that Chi Spirits may be helpful (or even necessary) to help a family's day-to-day life run smoothly and efficiently. Chi Spirits strongly dislike their way being blocked, so cluttered rooms may cause them to be unable to help their humans. When they are blocked, they can cause illness, bad luck, or disorder. Ask the Chi Spirits of your home for guidance and to be inspired when tidying up or redecorating.

Chin-Chin Kobakamas

  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Encourages you to get chores done.

  • Origin: Japan

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Chin-Chin Kobakamaz are agile house elves which are elderly in appearance, and are attracted in particular to human rugs. They're friendly towards humans, but not terribly helpful around the house. Instead, they tease and cause mischief if one is a terrible housekeeper, encouragement for a person to get chores done. To please the Chin-Chin Kobakamas, one need only make sure to keep it tidy house.

Churn Milk and Melch Dick

  • Alternate Name: Acorn Lady and Melsh Dick.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Nuts and Milk

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Female and Male.

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: England

  • Sabbat: Ostara

  • Season: Autumn and Spring.


They are small dwarf faeries. Peg is a female and Dick is a male. They wear the peasant clothing of 15th century England and have capricious natures. These faeries love nuts and will guard nuts and orchards. These faeries are found in the English countryside. To contact them, make an invitation to your circle, if you really want them around offer nuts and milk as an inducement.

Clurichauns (Koo-ree-kahn)

  • Alternate Name: His Nibs

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Wine

  • Friendly: Yes, unless drunk.

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Guards Wine. Protection against thieves and vandals.

  • Origins: Ireland

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


The Clurichaun is a solitary faerie. No sightings of females have ever been recorded. This faerie guards wine cellars, and is almost always drunk. He is very well-groomed and well-dressed. This faerie generally has a cheerful disposition, but can be rather aloof even while intoxicated, and wears a red hat. If you ignore or mistreat him he will spoil your wine stock, but if treated with hospitality he will prevent casks from leaking and wine going bad and chase away all those who are uninvited. If you chase away a Clurichaun by insensitivity or lack of hospitality, no other will ever come to take his place. If it is your wish to attract a Clurichaun leave a bit of wine out for him or design a ritual to invite him in. You must have a collection of wine in your basement or a cellar for him to be interested in staying.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origin: Mexico and United States.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Migrating from Mexico to America with Hispanic communities, Cucuis are monsters that look like ghouls or zombies with wide, empty eyes and a drooling maw. Like zombies in popular culture, Cucuis seem brainless and live only to pursue humans to hunt or destroy them. Luckily, a Cucuis is not very intelligent; they can be easily outwitted and eluded.

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