To the God & Goddess
Water Animals

Coloring: Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Red, and Yellow.
Element: Earth and Water.
Origins: Global
Planet: Earth and Moon.
Sabbat: Litha
Season: Summer
Deity Association: Ahriman, Aphrodite, Ch'ing-Wa Hathor, Hecate, Isis, Sheng, Sabazius, and Venus.
Symbolize: Beginning a New Cycle, Changing Luck, Cleansing, Clearing Replenishment, Fecundity, Feminine Energy, Good Luck, Long Life, The Mystery of Creation, Negativity, New Beginnings, New Life, Positive Energy, Prosperity, Purifying, Refilling, Refreshing, Starting New Projects, Transformation, and Water.
Frog spirit brings us into a deeper connection with our feelings, perspectives, and our ability to purge negativity from our lives be that “dis-ease” spiritual, mental, or physical. Frog cannot endure a toxic environment and challenges you to release those emotions (like anger, hatred, bitterness, etc.) that hold you back. These outlooks show up in a person’s aura like dark splotches and, in turn, decrease our natural protective and intuitive abilities. Frog spirit often comes to people who are simply not taking care of themselves the way they should. Sometimes this relates to diet, exercise, and lifestyle. In other cases, it may relate to a relationship on which you’re spending too much energy with little return. In both cases it’s time for a change. Step back and take the time to consider new ideas and outlooks. Just like the tadpole, you’re about to grow into something new and wonderful. The Goddess of love in Rome, Venus, held Frogs as sacred. This symbolism speaks of self-love too! In the story of the Frog prince we see the young maiden willing to give her hand in marriage to the Frog in order to save her mother. She was rewarded when the Frog turned into a handsome prince. Here we see remarkable selflessness and the ability to see beyond surface reality to potentials.
When Frog makes an appearance as a Spirit Animal he comes to remind us of our connection to the earth and the seasons. You may find yourself going through a time of growth and transformation, guided by the Frog’s alluring song. Another reason for Frog’s appearance could be your finances. When you’re in a jam, Frog Spirit seems to loosen purse strings and bring a bit of much welcome luck as it hops along your Path. The symbolism for this idea stems from the tadpole’s similarity to a male sperm. Sperm is the “fertilizer” which helps bring about life – hence abundance of all types are accredited to Frog’s symbolic meaning. Frog as an Animal Spirit Guide may be coaxing you toward a physical or emotional cleansing. Detox, cry until you find peace. Look for a mantra or chant aimed at purification and healing so you can sing with Frog back to wholeness.
Frog people have the capacity to “jump to it” and uncover opportunities. You face difficult situations swimmingly, something others find unique and remarkable. Frog’s ties to home are tight, particularly with elders of the family. If Frog is your Totem you’ll want to build and strengthen your circle as that feeds your soul. Those born with a Frog Totem have natural intuitive senses and require strong connections with the Spirit realm to maintain their power and vision. As that bond between you, your Higher Self, Angels, or the Divine strengthens so will your ability to give helpful advice. Perhaps this is due to Frogs’ uncanny hearing abilities. Because it is so acute, it’s said Frogs can “hear beyond the veil”. What ancient, esoteric wisdom can your Frog Totem sing to you?

Giant Pacific Octopus
Coloring: Blue, Brown, Orange, Red, Tan, and Yellow.
Deity Association: Kanaloa and The Kraken.
Element: Water
Origins: Pacific Ocean
Planet: Moon
Sabbat: Litha
Season: Summer
Symbolize: Adaptability, Complexity, Creativity, Defense, Diversity, Efficient, Evasion, Flexibility, Focus, Illusion, Intelligence, Knowledge, Magic, Movement, Mystery, Overcoming Obstacles, Power, Strength, Unpredictability, and Will-Power.
In general, octopus symbolism is a reminder that to get what you desire right now you need to camouflage yourself and fly under the radar. In other words, keep doing what you are doing, but be inconspicuous while doing it. Wait until the very last moment, when your prize is within grasp, before announcing your intentions. Alternatively, octopus meaning can signify the need for you to pretend that you are something other than what you are. There are times when we need to become an extrovert. Thus, put ourselves out there to get to where we want to be. There are also times when we need to grow invisible to someone to get by them. Occasionally, we will even have to mimic those around us so that we can blend in with the scenery. Moreover, octopus symbolism is letting you know that you can quickly move through any barriers that are keeping you from your goals.

Coloring: Black and White.
Deity Association: None
Element: Water
Origins: Global
Planet: Moon
Sabbat: Litha
Season: Summer
Symbolize: Balance, Clairvoyance, Community, Creation, Creativity, Dreams, Emotion, Empowerment, Energy, Family, Freedom, Grace, Guidance, Harmony, Intuition, Longevity, Love, Mystery, Perception, Personal Discovery, Protection, Sensitivity, Memory, Spiritual Insight, Strength, Teacher, Travel, Truth, and Vocal Expression.
The Orca spirit animal is powerful and intelligent, and it can survive even the harshest climates. However, the Orca symbolism does not focus on using strength, intelligence, and preying on others for survival. Rather, the Orca symbolism fosters community and camaraderie, as well as loyalty and longevity. With the Orca totem, you are being called upon to be a leader and a guide, and to work together with others as a team! If you have the Orca totem, your social and business skills are your assets. You also take on any leadership role like a natural. The Orca meaning is a reminder to be independent and stable whichever stage in life you are at. Whatever setbacks or challenges that will come your way, believe that you can easily overcome or bounce back from them. The Orca symbolism focuses on the value of teaching. It symbolizes increased intelligence because some hidden knowledge will be revealed to you soon. The meaning of the Orca is also about having respect for oneself and others, and working with pride in anything that you do. When an Orca is seen offshore, he is believed to be a deceased human or chief trying to communicate with loved ones. Some tribes believe that Orcas are reincarnations of their former chiefs lost at sea.

Coloring: Brown and White.
Deity Association: Cernunnos
Element: Earth and Water
Origins: North America
Planet: Moon
Sabbat: Litha
Season: Summer
Symbolize: Balanced Female Energy, Curiosity, Faithfulness, Happiness, Joy for Self and Others, Lack of Jealousy and Envy, Lack of Worry, Playfulness, Social Life, and Talent.
When Otter arrives in our lives it begins a time of exploring Women’s mysteries and medicine. Otter is a sensible guide who uses spiritual awareness and devotion as a framework for progress. Perhaps most importantly to Otter symbolism is the ability to play – to find renewed joy in our lives that balances out more serious matters. Otter embodies both Water and Earth energies. In nature there are two types of otters, one in the sea and one who lives in rivers. The connection with living moving water gives Otter the meaning of an awareness of the subconscious, emotions and psychism. While observing Otter, it becomes very apparent that these creatures see life as a true playground to be filled with family and friends. Very often Otter shows up in people’s lives when they’ve become too serious, over-think things and lose sight of their inner child. One of Otter’s mottos is: play as if no one is looking (and if possible have someone join you!). Otter is also a creature always up for a bit of adventure, letting curiosity direct them. They don’t worry about what’s left behind but rather look forward. This is a great lesson from Otter Spirit – you can’t embrace new things if you’re always clinging to what’s behind. This doesn’t mean that you just forget about difficulties, but rather find a way to smile and get a different perspective that may very well solve the whole shebang. Otter is a footloose soul who doesn’t have patience for jealousy. We do not own others, but rather swim with them in life’s waters. Be grateful for those who travel along your path and for the lessons they offer, including Otter spirit.
Otter appears as a Spirit Animal as a wake-up call to be more receptive and aware of emotions in yourself and others. Don’t get locked into the quagmire of worry. When you remain tuned in you’ll know what’s wrong, and more importantly what is right! Additionally, Otter may be telling you to find your voice, as they communicate with unique sounds. For those expecting children, Otter is a wonderful spirit guide. This creature is an incredibly involved, nurturing, and attentive parent, teaching their little ones how to “go with the flow” (literally). From a spiritual perspective, ask yourself if you have been trying to swim upstream. Another message from the Otter Spirit animal is RELAX. You cannot continue under stress and pressure without it stealing life’s joy from you. Giving to yourself is an act of self-love and kindness that in time manifests as giving to others.
Those born with an Otter totem want very much to make other people smile. You don’t have an egotistic bone in your body. In fact, your life is driven by other people’s needs and supporting them in times of crisis. Otter people are naturally curious like their totem counterpart, and unlike some other Totem Animals this inquisitiveness generally takes you in positive directions and opens doors. Everything interests you, sometimes to distraction, but you’ll have fun with it. When you have Otter in your life, you find great pleasure in traditionally “feminine” attributes including nurturing, reveling in nature’s beauty, the love of children and family. Bear in mind that men have “Yin” energies too – don’t be afraid to awaken that element of self. Overall Otter is not a material creature because carrying too much keeps Her from flowing on the water unburdened. This is a lesson your Totem will endeavor to teach you throughout life.

Coloring: Red, Brown, and Yellow.
Deity Association: Danu
Element: Water
Origins: Global
Planet: Moon
Sabbat: Litha and Mabon.
Season: Summer to Autumn.
Symbolize: Courage, Determination, Eternal Life, Family, Femininity, Happiness, Instinct, Moving, Passion, Persistence, Rebirth, Reproduction, Strength, and Wisdom.
Salmon travel each year from the ocean to the fresh water to reproduce. One characteristic that is especially linked to Salmon is constant moving and change. People born under the Salmon totem know how to live their lives to the fullest and are happy while doing so. They love smiling and sharing jokes with others. You will rarely see them angry or upset over something because it’s simply the way they are. Salmon are also the symbol of femininity and reproduction. People born or protected by this totem enjoy having large families and being surrounded by family members. This fills their heart and makes them feel grateful in life. If they didn’t have family in their lives, they wouldn’t be able to survive tough moments, since they always ask for support from the people closest to them. Salmon represent infinite wisdom and prophecy, so if you are protected by this totem you will be guided by your own intellect and knowledge through life. Salmon symbolism is highly influenced by the way they spend their lifetime. Even in modern cultures, people often relate Salmon to personalities who are reproductive and ever-changing. They are a symbol of freedom and independence, but also family and caring.

Coloring: Brown, Gray, and White.
Deity Association: None
Element: Earth and Water.
Origins: Northern Pacific, and Arctic.
Planet: Earth and Moon.
Sabbat: Litha
Season: Summer
Symbolize: Change, Contentment, Creativity, Dreaming, Emotions, Faithfulness, Good Luck, Inner Strength, Inquisitiveness, Intelligence, Love, Movement, Organization, and Protection.
Seal symbolism is letting you know that it’s time to pay close attention to your imagination and insight. In other words, Seal meaning is asking you to be aware of your thoughts and your dreams. A lot of what you imagine generally has a strong basis in reality, no matter how far off it may seem. Thus, Seal symbolism is bringing you the clear and distinct message that it is time for you to allow your creativity and your imagination to soar. Furthermore, like the beaver, it is now time to follow through on your dreams. People with the seal totem are highly imaginative and highly creative. Moreover, they need activities that channel and direct their imagination and creativity. For these folks hearing and balance are also essential. They have to learn to listen to their inner self and balance their lives to it. People with this spirit animal have dreams that are incredibly significant and vivid. Plus like the dragonfly, these visions continuously feed their creative imagination. Thus, it is vital for them to stay in touch with their body’s natural rhythms. In other words if you are hungry, eat; if you are tired, rest.

Coloring: Gray, White, Brown, Black, and Blue.
Origins: Global
Season: Summer
Sabbat: Litha
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Deity Association: Derceto
Symbolize: Ancient Teachings, Clairaudience, Death and Rebirth, Elegance, Elemental Magic, Family and Friends, History, Initiation, Learning Magic, Longevity, Music, Psychic Abilities, Regeneration, The Sea, Sound and Music Healing, Telepathy, Trust, and The Waters of Life.
This graceful giant of the ocean has inspired awe around the world, and rightfully so. The sight of a Whale breaching the water or frolicking in the foam moves the most stoic of person to wonderment. Light workers tell us that Whale Spirit records the earth’s history from all corners of creation. For seekers this means that Whale energy aids in tapping our ancestral DNA and unlock the mysteries that lie there. Whale also lifts our spirits, swimming through the spheres to reach the Akashic records and open the book of self, particularly for understanding our emotions and what affects them deeply. As Whale enters your life you’ll find self-examination becomes the “norm”. You may need to retreat and contemplate alone, homing in like Whale sonar, so you can really hear your inner voice, the Whale’s Song, the Higher Self and the Divine. Ask yourself; are you where you need to be? Are you in toxic waters? Is the ocean tumultuous? If so, take hold of the Whale’s Tail with confidence and let Him move you to safety. In the Biblical story of Jonah, Whale becomes a redeemer, sacred teacher, and transformer. She is the instrument of Jonah’s rebirth and spiritual awakening. Just like Jonah, Whale calls us to wake up and realize that there is more to our reality than what we know through our physical senses. Traveling with the Whale beneath the waters of our consciousness opens another world in our awareness. Psychic attentiveness bursts forth when Whale surfaces again and we take that first breath together. Angelic presences, playful Devas and doorways to other spheres become more evident.
When Whale arrives as your Spirit Animal, it’s often during a time of emotional or physical duress in which you’ve lost your sense of self. In fact, Whale is the ideal Spirit Animal for such times. Consider how Whales withstand the pressure of the ocean, but never stays down too long. Come time to breathe, Whale bursts joyfully forth, accepting that renewing air! This is the gift Whale offers – the ability to “cope” and function in highly pressurized situations until you can come up for air and reclaim your inspiration and clarity. Another aptitude Whale provides is an intimate sense of biorhythms on more than just a physical level. When you still yourself and listen to the beating of your heart – that life-giving rhythm is like the identifying sounds Whale uses to identify their pod in nature. Whale asks: what does your heart tell you?
If you have Whale as a Totem Animal, you are someone who is excellent with refined communicating over long distances even as Whale does under water. Frequently this communication focuses on your inner circle because Whale has strong family ties that He honors fervently. Your friends and loved ones know they can depend on you for the truth, particularly when others are blinded by emotion or have given away their power. The Whale Totem within provides you with intense awareness of things beyond this realm. The collective unconscious and cosmic awareness is like the Whale’s ocean. You can navigate them and become a bridge between the spheres, travelling on the Whale’s tail. The only caution is you have a natural temptation to spend more time in other worlds. Whale reminds you to return from that other-world ocean and breathe in this reality.