To the God & Goddess

Welcome to
Our Book of Shadows
Blessed Yule
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again
Hello, my name is Sarus and this is my website dedicated to collecting and distributing everything on Paganism, Witchcraft, and Wicca. I know there are several websites and books out there like this one, but I do feel like it is different enough for keep in your Bookmarks folder. My reasoning for making this site is kind of a long story, but here's the cliff notes for anyone who wishes to know.
After I became a Pagan Witch, I had this need to learn everything I could from so many sites and book on every topic you could think of when it comes to Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft. But the one thing I couldn't figure out is why no one had an all in one site or book. No one had all the info, or just didn't offer it to everyone...this frustrated me. The Pagan Witch in me had such a love to read and learn everything I could. But having to go to so many sources and spend so much time and money was something I just couldn't do.
The more I talked to people, the more I realized I wasn't the only one with this issue. So I decided to do what no one else did, I made a Know-All website about every piece of information I could get my hands on from as many sources as I could. I didn't want this to just be for me, I wanted this to be for everyone. This isn't just my book, it's everyone's book.
This site is being updated with new information whenever possible, so please be patient as there is only one person working on it.
Thank you for understanding.
If you wish to know where I'm getting my information from, feel free to visit the References page. These are amazing people who deserve even more credit then I do. They started this journey of research and knowledge sharing before me, and I will forever be greatfull to them.
If you don't see something you need, or believe I should add something, just let me know in the Contact Me section at the bottom of this page.

May 23rd, 2024
Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I've been so busy lately it's become hard for me to keep up with the site. I know this is my responsibility, and I should be putting more effort into it. I do promise to try and find time to add more information.
I have started looking into other Pantheons to add to the Gods & Goddess section. Currently, I am looking into Inca, Druidism, Eastern European (Slavic and Finnish), Chinese, Philipino, Taiwanese, Mayan, Mesopotamian/Babylonian, West African, Ethiopian, and South African. I can't promise all of these will be on the site soon, it will take at least a year to get half these. But I am going to do it.
All that being said, I would love to hear from you guys. What Pantheons or Faith Systems would you like to see on here. Please let me know by using the contact box down below this text.
As always, stay healthy, happy, and safe!

My goal is to have as much information as I can get my greedy little hands on, and for that info to be as accurate as possible. But sometimes, even I get it wrong...there's literally only 1 person working on this, I can only do so much. So if I get something wrong, or if I'm missing something, you guys can let me know. All you have to do is email me any suggestions, changes, or questions and I'll respond as quickly as I can.